Defence Management and Economics
Resource management, change management, transformation, cost-benefit analysis, logistics, defence acquisition, strategic personnel policy, accounting, defence administration, military industrial complex, measures of effectiveness, benchmarking, outsourcing, privatization, base closures, infrastructure issues.
Current Co-chairs and contacts for working group
Adriana Ávila-Zúñiga Nordfjeld
Website: Adriana Ávila.Zúñiga Nordfjeld
Dr. Robert Beeres, Dutch Defence College, email:
Photograph and biographic note to follow.
Dr. Markus Gauster, Senior Researcher, National Defence Academy, Institute for Peace Support and Conflict Management, (IFK),

Markus Gauster has been a senior researcher at the Institute for Peace Support and Conflict Management (IFK) of the Austrian National Defence Academy since 2004. He studied law (Mag.iur.) and political science (Dr.Phil.) at the Universities of Graz and Vienna and took a university course in Broadcast Journalism at the Danube University in Krems. He was also active in the private sector and is a reserve officer in the Austrian Armed Forces. His research areas include conflict transformation in Afghanistan, civil-military interaction in peace operations as well as comprehensive approaches and innovative concepts for International Crisis Management. Markus Gauster undertook fact finding missions in Afghanistan and its strategic environment, e.g. as a long-term election observer for the European Union. He authored various articles and publications and is a member of the International Society of Military Sciences and executive board member of the Austria-Afghanistan Society ( in Vienna.
Scope: the aim and purpose of the working group
This working group brings the tools of management science and economics to bear on the problems of armed forces and the pursuit of security. It offers a vehicle for sharing data , methods and results amongst small countries in order to solve practical problems of policy and operations related to defence economics and management.
Keyword descriptors
management, economics, cost-benefit, logistics, defence economics, security economics, defence industrial policy, outsourcing, downsizing, acquisition policy, effectiveness, efficiency, economy,
Topics addressed in previous conferences
Investing in Multiple Public Goods for Safety and Security; S-shaped Growth Curves in Capability Modeling; Spiralling Cost of using Part-Time Soldiers overseas; Paradigm shift for Peace Operations and the Role of Armed Forces in times of mixed migration flows; Critical Success Factors Can Support Performance Measurement in Defence Material Projects; Defence Acquisition and its role in Military Education
Current working group activities
The working group is looking for contributors to prepare an annual digest of new and influential materials, including books, journal articles, and research projects, for the benefit of participants and institutional members.
History of the working group
This is one of the original eight working groups of the ISMS established at Amsterdam in 2008.
Related contact information