
Photo: Finnish Defence University
The Council welcomes input from participants in our annual conferences and other events. In particular, we would consider naming awards for individuals who have significantly contributed to Military Sciences, professional military education, or the objectives of the ISMS.
If you wish to nominate an individual, please inform the Secretary using this link. Nominations by email should include a summary suitable for inclusion on the certificate (not more than 50 words) and a statement of merit linking the nomination to the criteria specified below. Nominations will be considered at the next Council meeting. Council typically meets semi-annually.
All awards are at the discretion of the Council upon nomination by members or working group chairs.
Distinguished Service Award
At the 2017 ISMS Conference in Oslo, the Council bestowed its first Distinguished Service Award on Eystein Lockwood Meyer for his exceptional dedication in managing the conference organization under difficult circumstances.

At the 2018 ISMS Conference in Warsaw, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Society, the following were awarded the Distinguished Service Award:
- Dorota Domalewska, PhD
- Jowita Brudnicka, PhD
- Maciej Hacaga, MA, MSc
Long Service Award
The ISMS Long Service Award was discussed at Council in March 2018, and may be awarded to participants in the organization who have served for a significant portion of the life of the organization, contributing to its goals and objectives.
At the 2018 ISMS Conference in Warsaw, on the Occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Society, the following were awarded the Long Service Award:
- Alexander Bon, Professor, Drs.
- Walter Feichtinger, Brigadier General, Dr.
- Hannu Kari, Professor
- David Last, Associate Professor, Dr.
- Niels Bo Poulsen, Professor, Dr.
Young Scholar Award
An award for young scholars, recognizing promising new contributions to the field of military sciences, will be developed by the Society. This may be related to work on a thesis in a member institution, or publication in a journal related to a member institution.
ISMS strives to be welcoming and supportive to new scholars from any background.
Veteran Scholar's Award
An award for seasoned scholars who have made a significant contribution to military sciences and professional military education in the international context, judged by their peers.