Conference programme

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Abstracts sorted in WG order

Stockholm, 10-13 September 2024

For further details see schedule below.



14:00-15:30 Business Meetings (Online or hybrid, Zoom)

16:30-18:00 ISMS Joint Meeting (ISMS Council and WG Chairs)

18:45-21:00 Icebreaker and Conference Registration

Opening speech Commandant of the Swedish Defence University Professor Robert Egnell. The Swedish Defence University, Drottning Kristinas väg 37, Stockholm


08:00-09:00 Registration and coffee

09:00-09:15 Opening remarks by The President of ISMS 2024 Kjell Engelbrekt

09:15-10:00 Keynote speaker, BGen Patrik Gardesten, Deputy Chief of the Royal Swedish Navy

10:00-10:15  Coffee break


10:15-12:00  Session 1 (WG 1-10)

12:00-13:15  Lunch break

13:15-15:00  Session 2 (WG 1-10)

15:00-15:15  Coffee break

15:15-17:00  Session 3 (WG 1-10)

17:00-18:30 Individual time

1830             Bus transport to conference dinner from Elite Hotel Arcadia at 18:30 with a stop at Clarion Collection Hotel Tapto at 18:40

19:00-22:00 Conference Dinner at the National Maritime Museum (Sjöhistoriska)



09:15-11:00 Session 4 (WG 1-2, 4-9)

11:00-11:15 Coffee break

11:15-12:00 Wargaming session

12:00-13:15 Lunch break

13:15-15:00 Session 5 (WG 1-2, 5-8)

15:00-15:15 Coffee break

15:15-16:00 Closing keynote, Assoc. Prof. Antoine Bousquest, Swedish Defence University

16:00-16:30 Wrap-up



09:00-11:00 ISMS Council Meeting

11:00-12:00 Lunch

14:00-15:00 Publication Meeting (Online, Zoom)



  1. War Studies, Operations & Tactics
  2. Military History
  3. Military Technology
  4. Military Leadership, Command and Control and Basic Competences
  5. Military Law and Ethics
  6. Security and Defense Policy Strategy
  7. Armed Forces and Society
  8. Defence Management and Economics
  9. Professional Military Education
  10. Military Strategy





14:00 - 15:30

Business meetings, Room Granatkastaren (Onsite or online, Zoom)


  • Introduction
  • Editors’ meeting
  • Librarians’ meeting


16:30 - 18:00

ISMS Joint Meeting (ISMS Council, WG Chairs and co-chairs) Leijonsköldska Hall


18:45 - 21:00

Icebreaker and conference registration. Opening speech by the commandant of the Swedish Defence University, Restaurant The Propeller and the Officers’ mess




08:00 - 09:00

Registration and coffee



09:00 - 09:15

Opening speech by Prof. Kjell Engelbrekt, President ISMS 2024



09:00 - 09:15

Opening keynote speaker, Sverigesalen (Sweden Hall)

”Our Navies will stay committed, now and beyond”

BGen Patrik Gardesten, Deputy Chief of the Royal Swedish Navy




10:15 - 12:00

WG 1 War Studies, Operations & Tactics, Sverigesalen (Sweden Hall)



Session chair: Lars Henåker





“Reevaluating Urban Warfare: Lessons and Strategies from the Ukraine Conflict”
--Mikael Weissmann,Department of War Studies, Swedish Defence University
--Douglas W. Winton, Dwight D. David Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy, National Defense University



“Possible approaches to assessing the resilience of the defense of a group of troops to be taken into account when planning operations”
--Oleksandr Maistrenko, Department of Special Operations Forces of the Command and Staff Institute of Troops (Forces) Employment of the National Defense University of Ukraine (online)



“Combat cohesion in Ukraine”
--Daniel Smith, Department of War Studies, Swedish Defence University



10:15 - 12:00

WG 2 Military History, N203A


Chair: Art Johanson


Co-chair: Tae Hoon Kim



“Growing Pains: organizational, logistical, and doctrinal difficulties and challenges of expanding The Union Army during the American Civil War”
--Michał Mydłowski, Unaffiliated



“Romania after the territorial unification: planning for the next war, between expectations and realities (1920-1940)”
--Tudor Vișan-Miu, Institute for Political Studies of Defence and Military History




10:15 - 12:00

WG 3 Military Technology, N203B




Session chairs: Thomas Frisk and Kent Andersson




“Advanced methodologies applied in a dynamic maintenance context”

--Suzana Lampreia, Science & Technology Department, Portuguese Naval Academy – CINAV, Almada


“Medium Calibre Cannon Analysis for CA Armoured Fighting Vehicles”

--Ian Plante-Signal, Department of Applied Military Science, Royal Military College of Canada


“Enhancing European Ammunition Production: Challenges and Strategic Initiatives in Response to Increased Defense Demands”

--Martin Lundmark, Department for Systems for Defence and Security, Swedish Defence University

--Roland Hellberg, Department for Systems for Defence and Security, Swedish Defence University






10:15 - 12:00

WG 4 Military Leadership, Command and Control and Basic Competences, N205B


Chair: Peter Olsthoorn


Co-chair: Daniel Packham






“Negotiation as a key enabler in multi-domain operations”
--Pedro Agua, CINAV, Escola Naval, Instituto Universitário Militar



“Multinational Mission Command: Prospects and Challanges in a NATO context”
--Søren Sjøgren,Royal Danish Defence College

--Niklas Nilsson, Department of War Studies,Swedish Defence University


“Developing an integrative model for observational measurement of attributes of mission command, and of the recognition primed decision-making model”
--Andre Korsmo Berntsen, Dozentur Führung & Kommunikation, Military Academy at ETH Zurich


“Investigation of language communication efficiency for international military operations”
--Alan K.O. Li, Department of Applied Military Science, Royal Military College of Canada



10:15 - 12:00

WG 5 Military Law and Ethics, N206A



Chair: Olavi Jänes

Co-chair: David Turns






“Unrecognized states as a challenge for international security”
--Milena Palczewska, War Studies University, Poland



10:15 - 12:00

WG 6 Security and Defense Policy Strategy, Gripen




Chair: Laurence Furst
Co-chair: Niklas Rossbach





--Toms Rostoks,Latvian National Defence Academy

--Ieva Berzina, Latvian National Defence Academy

--Janis Berzins, Latvian National Defence Academy






10:15 - 12:00




WG7 Armed Forces and Society, N206B



Chair: Rene Moelker

Session chair: Kristin Ljungkvist



“Taiwanese Ukraine War Veterans Experiences of Returning to Taiwan”
--Marcel Mangold, Department of War Studies, Swedish Defence University



“Finnish reservists and solidarity with NATO's collective defence”
--Miina Kaarkoski,Helena Kilpeläinen and Reetta Riikonen, Finnish National Defence University



“Dynamics of Intra-Insurgent Conflict in Afghanistan: Analyzing the Afghan Taliban and Islamic State Khorasan (IS-K) Post-August 2021”
--Waris Miratif, Institute of Political Studies at Charles University in Prague



“Operation Welcome: Analyzing the Brazilian Military's Role in the Venezuelan Migration Crisis”
--Gustavo Simões, School of Command and General Staff College



10:15 - 12:00

WG 8 Defence Management and Economics, N205A

Chair: Markus Gauster

Co-chair: Adriana Ávila-Zúñiga Nordfjeld



“Purposeful Military Capability Development Decisions: When is Who Responsible for Understanding What?”
--Patrik Stensson and Kent Andersson, Department of Systems Science for Defence and Security, Swedish Defence University  



“Military capability development – perspectives on an entangled ‘ecosystem’”
--Johanna Jungwallius, Department of Systems Science for Defence and Security, Swedish Defence University  



10:15 - 12:00

WG 9 Professional Military Education, Leijonsköldska Hall



Session chairs: Lars Wikman and Björn Sjöblom





“Addressing the digital deficit in professional military education”
--Veronika Poniscjakova, University of Portsmouth



“Before ‘Skynet’: Cultivating digital phronesis in Canadian military professional development programs”
--Anne Reiffenstein, Royal Roads University



“Digitalisation of Professional Military Education: Two Case Studies of VLE Transformation in the RAF”
--Veronika Poniscjakova, Portsmouth Military Education Team, University of Portsmouth



“Embracing Digital Transformation in Professional Military Education: Maintaining Relevance, Resilience, and Success”
--William Combes, Baltic Defence College



10:15 - 12:00

WG 10 Military Strategy, Klassrum 2000



Session chair: Viktoriya Fedorchak





“The air war in Ukraine: from dispersal to Kursk incursion”

--Viktoriya Fedorchak, Department of War Studies, Swedish Defence University


“Analysis of the conditions of combat operations of the Ukrainian Air Force’s tactical aviation during the Russia-Ukraine war”
--Roman Nevzorov, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University



“Air Power And Conflict: Lessons from the Ukrainian Air Force”

--Oleksii Shulha, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University



12:00 - 13:15

Lunch, Officers’ mess



13:15 - 15:00

WG 2 Military History, N203A


Chair: Art Johanson

Co-chair: Tae Hoon Kim




“Desired SEAD Lessons: The Contested History of Israel’s June 1982 Bekaa Valley Operation”
--Roland Popp, Military Academy at ETH Zurich



“The operational environment in Helmand 2006-14 - an analysis of the utilization of intelligence capabilities in Danish counterinsurgency operations”
--Jesper Nielsen, Royal Danish Defence College


13:15 - 15:00

WG 3 Military Technology, N203B




Session chairs: Thomas Frisk and Kent Andersson




“"Artificial Intelligence" in Military Missions – Public Opinion about a new Phenomena”

--Stefano De Rosa, Swiss Military Academy (MILAC)


“Multi-sited ethnography of military drone operators: first reflections on military identity and community at a Canadian drone unit”

--Bibi Imre-Millei, Lund University


“A Sea of Information: The information domain in the maritime environment”

--Isaac Nitschke, Canadian Armed Forces





13:15 - 15:00

WG 4 Military Leadership, Command and Control and Basic Competences, N205B


Chair: Peter Olsthoorn

Co-chair: Daniel Packham





“Effect of PTSD on Ukrainian Military Leadership in the times of war”
--Nino Tabeshadze,Centre for total defence and societal security, Swedish Defence University



“Effectiveness of a Positive Psychology Intervention on Resilience Enhancement Among Cadets: A Longitudinal Study”
--Lobna Cherif, Royal Military College of Canada


“Officer Cadet Education and Training in the British Indian Army during WW2: Lessons from Combat Arms Curriculum and Syllabus Change”

--Rob Hilliard, Swedish Defence University


“Surveying conscripts’ satisfaction regarding changes in leave arrangements during the Covid-19 pandemic”
--Jouko Vankka, Finnish National Defence University







13:15 - 15:00

WG 6 Security and Defense Policy Strategy, Gripen



Chair: Laurence Furst

Co-chair: Niklas Rossbach


“Force Multipliers: Providing Quality Advice to Defence and Security Stakeholders”
--Harry Kowal, The Royal Military College of Canada



13:15 - 15:00

WG 7 Armed Forces and Society, N206B




Chair round table: Alicia Fjällhed





--Alicia Fjällhed,Swedish Defence Research Agency

--Niklas Rossbach, Swedish Defence University

--Fredrik Stiernstedt, Södertörn University

--Mikael Granberg, Karlstad University

--Ola Svenonius, Swedish Defence Research Agency



13:15 - 15:00

WG 8 Defence Management and Economics, N205A



Chair: Markus Gauster

Co-chair: Adriana Ávila-Zúñiga Nordfjeld



“Exploring strategic, economic, and institutional interests of EU members in European defence industry: quantitative analysis of EU financing for defence”
--Ringailė Kuokštytė, General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania



“Bridging defence, international politics, and market perspectives to analyse the impact of crises on shipping”
--Adriana Avila-Zuniga-Nordfjeld,Swedish Defence University



“Effects of Security Alliance Membership on Logistical Growth: A Nordic Case Study”
--Imoh Antai, Division of War Studies, Swedish Defence University


13:15 - 15:00

WG 9 Professional Military Education, Leijonsköldska Hall


Session chairs: Lars Wikman and Björn Sjöblom





“Researching wargaming in military education: A call for concerted efforts”
--Björn Sjöblom, Swedish Defence University



“From Battlefield to Classroom: Incorporating War Games and Staff Rides in Professional Military Education (PME) to enhance Urban Combat preparedness”
--Jonas Björkqvist and Mikael Weissmann, Land Operations Division, Department of War Studies, Swedish Defence University



“Wargaming Tomorrow's Threats: Educating Through Red Teaming Simulations”
--Tali Stambulchik, Wikistrat


13:15 - 15:00

WG 10 Military Strategy, Klassrum 2000



Session chair: Viktoriya Fedorchak





“Cognitive resistance”
--Andreas W. Stupka, Mag. Dr.BrigGen, Austrian Ministry of Defence



“European military transformation during the war in Afghanistan”
--Marcel Berni, Swiss Military Academy at ETH Zurich



“The impact of hybrid threats on operations in modern warfare”
--Viktor Savchenko, Deputy of COS, 30 Marine Infantry Corps Armed Forces of Ukraine




15:00 - 15:15




15:15 - 17:00

WG 1 War Studies, Operations & Tactics, Bure



Session chair: Ronald Ti





“Information Warfare Beyond Technology: Understanding the Psychological Dimension of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict”
--Mariana Grilli Belinotte,Post-Graduate Program in Military Sciences, Brazilian Army Command and General Staff College



“Shifting Battlespaces: Navigating the Cognitive Frontiers of War in the 21st Century”
--Lukasz Kamienski, Jagiellonian University in Krakow



“Bioweapon conspiracies: cognitive warfare based on viral stories about genetically manipulated pathogens”
--Alicia Fjällhed,Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Sweden

--David Gisselsson Nord, Division of Clinical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University 


15:15 - 17:00

WG 2 Military History, N203A



Chair: Art Johanson

Co-chair: Tae Hoon Kim




“How Soviet chemical weapons were perceived by the Swedish armed forces during the inter-war period, and why this still matters a century later”
--Gunnar Åselius, Department of Military History, Swedish National Defence University


15:15 - 17:00

WG3 Military Technology, N203B




Session chairs: Thomas Frisk and Kent Andersson




“Modelling Military as an Open, Socio-technical System”

--Juha Kai Mattila, Aalto University


“Forming an analytic framework for the communication of the Military Utility of Technology”

--Patrik Stensson, Swedish Defence University

--Kent Andersson, Swedish Defence University




15:15 - 17:00

WG 4 Military Leadership, Command and Control and Basic Competences, N205B



Chair: Peter Olsthoorn






“Grey Zones and Modern Wars: Ramping up for New Challenges”
--David Last, Royal Military College of Canada




“Do drones dream of transparent battlefields? Dealing with past and future alternatives to the tactical crisis in contemporary warfare”
--Sandro Teixeira Moita, Brazilian Army Command and General Staff College




“The Evolution of South African Operational Art: From an African Way of War to Doctrine”
--Abel Esterhuyse, Stellenbosch University, Department of Strategic Studies


15:15 - 17:00

WG 5 Military Law and Ethics, N206A



Chair: Olavi Jänes

Co-chair: David Turns



“The role and the legal status of the military intelligence in combatting hybrid threats”
--Eerik Heldna, Estonian Military Academy



“International law applicable to the protection of submarine cables: the national security threat that nobody talks about”
--Ahmed Abdel Hakam, Volterra Fietta & University of Geneva


“Mistakes of Fact, Intelligence and Precautions”

--Emma Breeze, University of Birmingham



15:15 - 17:00

WG 6 Security and Defense Policy Strategy, Gripen




Chair: Laurence Furst

Co-chair: Niklas Rossbach


“Ecocide and Destroying Environment to Gain Advantage on the Battlefield – The Case of Environmental Destruction in Ukraine”
--Silvia Sommarberg, Department of Leadership and Military Pedagogy, Finnish National Defence University


“Increased tensions in the Indo-Pacific. Strategic implications for the Danish-Indian partnership”
--Anne Sofie Schøtt, Royal Danish Defence College, Institute for Strategy and War Studies




15:15 - 17:00

WG 7 Armed Forces and Society, N206B



Chair: Rene Moelker

Co-chair: Kristin Ljungkvist



“Civil-Military Relations Revisited: Paramilitary Organisations and the Civilian Defence Capacity in Georgia”
--Rusudan Zabakhidze, Swedish Defense University, Department of War Studies



“’Unleashing the power of individuals’ – (Un-)Desirable Urban Futures and sociotechnical imaginaries of civil defence as participatory war”
--Kristin Ljungkvist, Department of War Studies, Swedish Defence University



“Aspects on the Comprehensive National Defence”
--Teija Sederholm,National Defence University



“The civic dimension of resilience: the case of Finland and Latvia”
--Ieva Bērziņa, National Defence Academy of Latvia & Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences



15:15 - 17:00

WG 8 Defence Management and Economics, N205A



Chair: Markus Gauster

Co-chair: Adriana Ávila-Zúñiga Nordfjeld



“Terrorist financing and economic consequences of terrorism: the case of Irish Republican Army (IRA)”
--Adriana Ávila-Zúñiga Nordfjeld, Swedish Defence University, Department of Systems Science for Defence and Security

--Dimitrios Dalaklis, World Maritime University, Maritime Safety and Environmental Administration


“The Three Seas Initiative from the perspective of the Copenhagen School”
--Marta Gębska, War Studies University, Faculty of National Defence, Department of International Security and Diplomacy



“The Israel/Hamas Armed Conflict – Another Validation of Maritime Domain Criticality During the 21st Century”
--Harold Workman,World Maritime University

--Dimitrios Dalaklis, World Maritime University

--Adriana Ávila-Zúñiga-Nordfjeld, Swedish Defense University


15:15 - 17:00

WG 9 Professional Military Education, Leijonsköldska Hall


Session chairs: Lars Wikman and Björn Sjöblom





“European and North American Perspectives on Developing Critical Thinking in Military Education”
--Kyrre Tromm Lindvik, NATO Special Operations University

--Danic Parenteau, Royal Military College Saint-Jean

--Anne Marie Hagen, Norwegian Defence University College

--Kjetil Enstad, Norwegian Military Academy

--Carsten F. Rønnfelt, Norwegian Military Academy


15:15 - 17:00

WG 10 Military Strategy, Klassrum 2000




Session chair: Viktoriya Fedorchak





“The Russian Semi-privatization of War: The Case of Wagner in Ukraine”
--Emmanuel Karagiánnis, Department of Defence Studies, King's College London


“Balancing violence and restraint: warfare types and patterns of landmine use”
--Henrique Garbino, Department of War Studies, Swedish Defence University


“The Significance Aspect of Information Operation and Warfare in the South China Sea Conflict”
--Bagus Jatmiko, Indonesian Navy & Information Sciences Department & Naval Postgraduate School (online)


“Methodology and Studying Strategy Sensibly”
--Lukas Milevski, Leiden University




17:00 - 19:00

Individual time



19:00 - 22:00

Conference dinner, The National Maritime Museum






09:15 - 11:00

WG 1 War Studies, Operations & Tactics, Sverigesalen (Sweden Hall)



Chair: David Last





“The impact of hybrid threats on operations in modern warfare”
--Viktor Savchenko, Deputy of COS, 30th Marine Infantry Corps Armed Forces of Ukraine



“The challenge of public-private partnerships towards grand strategy designs for defence”
--Megghi Pengili, University of Leeds



“The Potential of AI to Alter Warfare in the Air Domain: A Review of Recent Discussions and Battlefield Developments”
--Marcel Mangold, Department of War Studies, Swedish Defence University



“The operational level of war: Definitions and its relation to operational art”
--Sebastian Conte, Norwegian Defence University College


09:15 - 11:00

WG 2 Military History, N203A



Chair: Art Johanson

Co-chair: Tae Hoon Kim



“Desertion and the perception of war among Finnish deserters to Sweden in World War II”
--Moa Hanson, Department of History, Uppsala University



“Early Swedish-US military cooperation 1943-1955”
--Gellert Hardi-Kovacs, Independent researcher



“Military or humanitarian aid? Sweden, neutrality and the case of FRELIMO in Mozambique 1964–1975”
--Christian Kjellsson, Department of Military History, Swedish Defence University


09:15 - 11:00

WG 4 Military Leadership, Command and Control and Basic Competences, N205B



Chair: Peter Olsthoorn





“Civilian Institutions, Military Relations: Ukrainian Institutions of Higher Education in Total War”
--Kateryna Zorya, Department of History and Contemporary Studies, Södertörn University

--Helena Hermansson, Department of Leadership and Command & Control, Swedish Defence University

--Sara Bondesson, Department of Leadership and Command & Control, Swedish Defence University




“Implementation of measures during an epidemiological high-risk situation in a militia formation of the Swiss Armed Forces and their consequences”
--Michael Brönnimann, Department of Diagnostic, Interventional and Paediatric Radiology, Bern University Hospital, University of Bern

--Mauro Tarca,University of Bern



09:15 - 11:00

WG 5 Military Law and Ethics, N206A




Chair: Olavi Jänes

Co-chair: David Turns


“Divergence and Convergence: Representations of IHL in Video Games”

--Emma Breeze, University of Birmingham


“Ethics and Morality During Military Armed Conflicts: A Dilemma of Choice or an Existing Possibility of Norms”

--Katerina Veljanovska Blazhevska, MIT University, North Macedonia



09:15 - 11:00

WG 6 Security and Defense Policy Strategy, Gripen




Chair: Laurence Furst

Co-chair: Niklas Rossbach


“Cognitive warfare is emotional subversion: Reorienting the emerging research agenda”
--Samuel Zilincik, Tomas Bata University/Czech University of Defence


“Intelligence, Influence Operations and Cyber Attacks: A Contemporary Taxonomy of Information Warfare”
--Mariana Grilli Belinotte,Post-Graduate Program in Military Sciences, Brazilian Army Command and General Staff School


“Allies entrapped in the grey zone: War gaming offensive cyber in multilateral operations”
--Mikkel Storm Jensen,Royal Danish Defence College


“Russia's Mental Warfare and Europe’s Resilience Amidst the Shadow of Hybrid Threats”
--Janis Berzins, National Defence Academy of Latvia & BA School of Business and Finance




09:15 - 11:00

WG 7 Armed Forces and Society, N206B



Chair: Rene Moelker

Co-chair: Kristin Ljungkvist



“Disinformation dynamics: Social media's role in shaping modern information warfare”
--Dorota Domalewska, War Studies University



“The influence of processes of information warfare to societies resilience (case of Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union)”
--Viktor Denisenko, General Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania



“Birdwatchers on Social Media: The Mediatization of Intelligence Organisations”
--Peter B.M.J. Pijpers,Netherlands Defence Academy

--Lotte Nietzman, Netherlands Defence Academy

--Peter Schrijver Netherlands Defence Academy


09:15 - 11:00

WG 8 Defence Management and Economics, N205A



Chair: Markus Gauster

Co-chair: Adriana Ávila-Zúñiga Nordfjeld



“Hedging Fuel Price Risk in the Canadian Department of National Defence: An Exploratory Study”
--Naceur Essaddam, Royal Military College of Canada


09:15 - 11:00

WG 9 Professional Military Education, Leijonsköldska Hall



Session chairs: Lars Wikman and Björn Sjöblom





“A visible and clear learning progression for professional military education”
--Lars Wikman,Department of War Studies,Swedish Defence University

--Emma Björnehed, Department of War Studies,Swedish Defence University


“Shaping Our Future: Reflections and recommendations on professional military education at the Royal Military College of Canada”
--Isaac Nitschke, Canadian Armed Forces


11:00 - 11:15




11:15 - 12:00

Wargaming session, Sverigesalen (Sweden Hall)





12:00 - 13:15

Lunch, Officers’ mess



13:15 - 15:00

WG 1 War Studies, Operations & Tactics, Sverigesalen (Sweden Hall)



Session chair: Lars Henåker





“Irregular Dimension of the Russian Military Forces: Ensuing Implications in the Wartime and Post-War Settings”
--Arasli Jahangir, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Development & Diplomacy at the ADA University (Azerbaijan)



“Drone Warfare and Mimetic Theory: The Case of Russia and Ukraine”
--Arash Pashakhanlou, Swedish Defence University



“The Africa Corps/Wagner Group: A Vehicle for Authoritarian Conflict Management”
--Christopher Spearin, Canadian Forces College










13:15 - 15:00

WG2 Military History, N203A



Chair: Art Johanson

Co-chair: Tae Hoon Kim



“Boots on the Ground: Civil-Military Practice and Policy in Allied-Occupied Germany (1945-49)”

--Katherine Rossy


“Asmus strategic vision makes a comeback: Finnish-Swedish role in defending the Baltics”
--Andris Banka, University of Greifswald



“The neutral Past – How military history used in staff rides can facilitate learning and help officers prepare for future operations”
--Anna Sofie Schøning, Royal Danish Defence College







13:15 - 15:00

WG 5 Military Law and Ethics, N206A



Chair: Olavi Jänes

Co-chair: David Turns



“Terrorism in Armed Conflicts: A Breach of Norms or an Element of Strategic Culture as per Example of the Russian Federation and Soviet Union”
--Maria Juczewska, War Studies University, Poland


“The legal and operational challenges of the categorization of Swedish police as combatants”

--Carina Lamont, Department of International and Operational Law, Swedish Defence University




13:15 - 15:00

WG 6 Security and Defense Policy Strategy, Gripen




Chair: Laurence Furst

Co-chair: Niklas Rossbach


“Geopolitical Futures and Force Structure Planning”

--Robert Addinall, Royal Military College of Canada (online)

“Operationalizing Psychological Defense: A framework for assessing, addressing and evaluating hybrid threats in democratic societies”
--Mikael Weissmann, Department of War Studies,Swedish Defence University

--Niklas Nilsson, Department of War Studies,Swedish Defence University




13:15 - 15:00

WG 7 Armed Forces and Society, N206B



Chair: Rene Moelker

Co-chair: Kristin Ljungkvist



“Towards greater diversity in the military. How can we prepare officer/naval cadets to become agents of cultural change in the armed forces?”
--Danic Parenteau, Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean



“Societal Gender Equality and Military Effectiveness”
--Erik Melander, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University



“Changes in the status of women in the Lithuanian Armed Forces within the context of civil-military relations”
--Ausra Kaminskaite, General Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania


13:15 - 15:00

WG 8 Defence Management and Economics, N205A



Chair: Marcus Gauster

Co-chair: Adriana Ávila-Zúñiga Nordfjeld



“The U.S. Flagged Commercial Fleet – A National Security Cornerstone of a Previous Era & a 21st Century’s Liability”
--Harold Workman,World Maritime University

--Dimitrios Dalaklis, World Maritime University

--Adriana Ávila-Zúñiga-Nordfjeld, Department of Systems Sciences for Defence and Security, Swedish Defense University


“Climate-Military Nexus: Perspectives for Global Peace, Security and Sustainability”
--Dr Khalid Shafi,Institute of Strategic Studies, Research and Analysis, National Defense University, Pakistan


15:00 - 15:15




15:15 - 16:00

Closing keynote speaker, “Between Hype and Revolution: Making Sense of the AI Wave for Military and Strategic Affairs” Assoc. Prof. Antoine Bousquet, Swedish Defence University, Sverigesalen (Sweden Hall)



16:00 - 16:30

Wrap-Up, Sverigesalen (Sweden Hall)





09:00 - 11:00 ISMS Council Meeting (ISMS Council Members), Leijonsköldska Hall

11:00 - 12:00   Lunch (ISMS Council Members), Leijonsköldska Hall

14:00 - 15:00  Publications Meeting, (Online, Zoom)



Registration at the Swedish Defence University, Drottning Kristinas väg 37 from 06:00 PM

The Commandant of the Swedish Defence University Professor, Robert Egnell will be giving the opening speech at the Icebreaker, which starts at 18:45. A light dinner and drinks will be served in the Officers’ Mess. Please be on time as there will be many participants registering simultaneously. Bring your passport or a valid ID. Large bags are not allowed (security object).




Registration from 08:00-09:00 at the Swedish Defence University.

The President of ISMS 2024, Professor Kjell Engelbrekt, from the Swedish Defence University, will at 09:00, be opening the conference day.

Keynote speaker Bgen Gardesten will from 09:15-10:00 be giving a speech.

The presentations of abstracts will begin at 10:15.

Lunch will be served 12:00-13:15 in the Officers’ mess.

The conference day will be concluded at 17:00.

Bus transport to conference dinner from Elite Hotel Arcadia at 18:30 with a stop at Clarion Collection Hotel Tapto at 18:40

The conference dinner will be served at National Maritime Museum at 19:00-22:00. Transportation from National Maritime Museum to Hotel Arcadia and Hotel Tapto at 22:15.





The presentations of abstracts will begin at 0915 Lunch will be served at 1200-1315 at the Officers’ mess.

The presentations of abstracts will end at 1500, after which the closing keynote speaker, will give his speech until 1600.

The conference will be concluded with a closing session lasting until 1630.