ISMS 2024 hosted by the Swedish Defence University in Stockholm, Sweden,

10-12 September 2024

The conference starts in the afternoon on Tuesday 10 September. We’ll meet for an Icebreaker with drinks and snacks at the Swedish Defence University in Stockholm Sweden, Drottning Kristinas Väg 37.

The conference takes place at the Swedish Defence University and ends on Tuesday 12 September in the afternoon. More detailed information will be provided when the final program is presented.


Important dates

May 31: Admission decision and release of preliminary draft program 

June 21: 4: Deadline for early registration (extended)

August 12: Deadline for registration


The Conference Dinner is arranged at the Maritime History Museum with an additional fee of 800 SEK.


Overall conference programme


ISMS 2024 theme

Scaling Up, Learning Lessons, Ensuring Quality

Against the backdrop of ongoing wars and political conflicts in Europe and the Middle East, alongside increasing tension between major powers in the India-Pacific, the armed forces in many countries are rebuilding their military capabilities and expanding their educational programs geared toward officers and other categories of military and auxiliary personnel. While seasoned political decision-makers and defence planners are well aware that it takes several years to create highly qualified military units and many rounds of exercises until they can operate effectively together, the urgency sensed in societies typically translates into substantially larger defence budgets that, in turn, allow for a relatively rapid scaling up of forces. Meanwhile, ongoing military conflicts require defence planners and educators to constantly re-evaluate existing doctrine and ways of warfare.

These developments evoke questions regarding the balance between an emphasis on size or quality and between what to absorb of new practices and technologies employed in warfare and what to pay less attention to. How do we bolster the size of defence forces as soon as possible while not compromising the quality of the forces that eventually are put together? How do we process the preliminary observations from wars in Ukraine, the Gaza Strip and elsewhere so that we neither under- nor over-estimate their repercussions on the type of war we may face in the not-so-distant future?

The challenges associated with a rapid increase in defence budgets and the expansion of military organizations potentially affect all levels of military education, force generation, use of force and long-term defence planning, whether in a national setting or as part of an alliance such as NATO. But budget increases and force expansion also affect defence management, command and control, integrating new military technology, and fine-tuning warfighting concepts against national and international law.



To the registration website

Registration fee


Early bird fee

Regular fee

Regular participant

2 000 SEK

2 500 SEK

Student/PhD Students

1 500 SEK

2 000 SEK

Conference Dinner at Sjöhistoriska

800 SEK


The registration fee includes full conference entrance with participation in all sessions, lunches, coffee according to the conference program and an icebreaker on 10 September.


Participants from outside Sweden

Payment should be made by credit card or by bank transfer (invoice). The payment option ‘Invoice’ is available only until 29 July.

When choosing ‘Invoice’ in the registration form, you will receive an invoice including bank transfer information (bank account number, IBAN, etc). The invoice is created manually, and will be sent as a pdf attachment by e-mail, usually a few days after registration. The participant/payee is responsible for any bank charges/fees associated with the payment.

Participants from Sweden

Participants from Sweden can choose to pay either by credit card or by invoice.

An invoice will be sent primarily electronically (e-faktura) to your company/organisation. If your company/organisation cannot receive an electronic invoice, the invoice will be sent to you by email.

Information about payment with credit card

We accept the following credit cards: VISA and Mastercard.

For your safety, our payment system is connected to the 3D Secure system for ensuring the security of payments made through the internet. Your card needs to be connected to Verified by Visa or Mastercard SecureCode. Your bank can inform you if your card is connected, and if not already, how it can be connected.

If you receive an error message when paying with your card, please check with your bank to see if they have a block on overseas payments, a block on internet payments, and/or a limit on the amount that can be charged in one day. These are common reasons why a payment initially does not go through.


According to Swedish and EU legislation, 25% Swedish VAT will be added to all registration fees.

This according to EU legislation and regulation for conferences and events (C-647/17, EU:C:2019:195, of 13 March 2019 and Article 53 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC of 28 November 2016) VAT is paid in the country where services are rendered, e.g. the country in which the conference takes place.

If you are from a country in the European Economic Area (EEA) you may be entitled to a VAT refund. Please seek assistance through the tax office, in your home country.

Exception: Swedish participants from governmental public sector organizations (e.g., universities, governmental agencies): No VAT will be added. In this case, you must choose Invoice (Swedish billing address only) as the payment mode and provide the VAT number of your employer.

Cancellation policy

The registration is binding. There is no refund for cancellations after registration is made.

If you are not able to participate, you are welcome to give your spot to a colleague. Please contact the conference secretariat if you want to change your name and participation for another person. If you need to cancel your registration, please contact us at to minimize food waste.

Privacy Policy

When you register for events organised by Academic Conferences (address: SLU, P.O. Box 7070, SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden, organisation number SE202 100 2817-01), your personal data is stored in our database and used only for organising the event.

Additional information about your rights regarding this, can be found at and at

Additional information about the privacy policy of Academic Conferences


Working Groups

War Studies, Operations & Tactics


Marzena Zakowska, PhD
Director of Global Affairs and Diplomacy Studies, National Security Faculty, War Studies University, 
al. gen. A. Chruściela 103, 00-910 Warsaw, Poland


Mikael Weissman, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of War Studies, Swedish Defence University

Lars Henåker, PhD
Lieutenant Colonel, Department of War Studies, Swedish Defence University. Also at the Swedish Armed Forces.

Military History


Art Johanson, PhD

Art Johanson graduated from the University of Tartu in general history, specialising in military history topics. In the Baltic Defence College he is teaching history related topics. He is Head of the International Society of Military Sciences Working Group 2 (Military History). He has worked on multiple projects in political-military dimension and is one of the board members of the Institute of Society Studies. Before the Baltic Defence College, he was Head of the Strategy and Military History Department in the Estonian National Defence College (ENDC) and Director of the ENDC Museum. His areas of expertise include: History of the Operational Art, Estonian Military History, Baltic Military History, Military Theory, and Strategic Studies.


Tae Hoon Kim, PhD


Military Technology

Military Leadership, Command and Control and Basic Competences

Military Law and Ethics

Security and Defense Policy Strategy

Armed Forces and Society

Defence Management and Economics

Professional Military Education

Military Strategy

The ISMS is a network of peer institutions for military education and research in democratic countries. It is a network for creating, developing, exchanging and disseminating research and knowledge about war, conflict management and peace support efforts.

For questions about abstract submission, please contact Invajo at


For questions about registration, travel and accommodation contact




Rooms have been pre-booked at two hotels near the Swedish Defence University in Stockholm for the period 10-13 September.

The conference rate is valid only through their websites, or by email, using a booking code. Room reservation is made on a first come – first served basis.

Please note that Swedish participants can find hotels offering “ramavtal” in


Elite Hotel Arcadia

Website/direct link to book:
Phone: +46 (0)771-788 789

Price: 1890 SEK/night single room, 2090 SEK/night double room

The discount is bookable until July 16.

Cancellation conditions: Free cancellation one week prior to arrival.


Best Western Hotel Karlaplan


Book by email:
Phone:  +46 8 31 32 20

Price: 2290 SEK/night single room

State your full name, phone number and email address and that you want to book a room in Hotel Karlaplan with #348880. The hotel will send you a link for payment which you will have to process.
Cancellation conditions: free cancellation until 30 days prior to arrival.


Clarion Collection Hotel Tapto

Website/direct link to book:

Booking code: meet12
Phone: +46 8 664 50 00
Price: various

The code is available as long as there are vacancies.

Cancellation conditions: Please check with the hotel upon reservation.