News and Events of Interest
If you would like to post something here, you can send it to the secretary at
13th Annual Conference of the ISMS, hosted virtually by the Royal Military College of Canada, 11-14 October
see the details on the Conference page
Artificial Intelligence and Global Security: Future Trends and Threats in the 21st Century Operational Environment
“The 21st century global security environment is threatened by a constellation of factors such as the rate of economic, geopolitical, social, climate, environmental, and technological changes across the globe. NATO’s future challenges will include conventional and non-conventional threats, regular and irregular warfare, and humanitarian crises.
Artificial Intelligence technologies will provide a means for leaders to sort through the chaos and make critical ethical decisions. Future NATO military operations will rely on the information provided by Artificial Intelligence networks and systems as they support the information network required to sustain global security. This presentation will examine the role of Artificial Intelligence technologies and its contribution toward ensuring global security”.
Prof. Yvonne R. Masakowski is an outstanding specialist in the field of psychology and human factors in the context of security and defense. He currently serves as Emeritus Professor of Strategic Leadership and Command Development at the US Naval War College Leadership and Ethics.
The seminar will be hosted on Wednesday, June 16 at 15:00 CET at the MS TEAMS platform with open access through the link
Additional information is available here:
International Conference on Baltic Military History, 22-23 September 2020
The Baltic Defence College, in partnership with the Estonian War Museum – General Laidoner Museum and the Estonian Defence Academy calls for papers and panel proposals to
Small but Capable? Quality against Mass in Military History
Tartu, 22–23 September 2020
The written and oral history of the humanity is rich of stories about the small vanquishing the big. The Christian world knows David’s struggle with Goliath. In the Ancient Chinese writings victory belongs to the well-led rather than the larger force. In the European military thought beginning with Classical treatises on Greek and Roman warfare, quality is often regarded as more important than mass. Maurice de Saxe (1696–1759), military theoretician of the early Modern period, argued that armies of more than 50 000 men were too cumbersome to be led effectively and therefore the size of armed forces had to be kept in bounds. However, only half a century later Jacques de Guibert (1743–1790), writing in the era of Enlightenment, thought the vital energies of the entire nation must be garnered to achieve victory – he was anticipating the rise of mass armies in Europe following the French Revolution.
Technological progress injected new confidence into small armies. J. F. C. Fuller (1878–1966) and Giulio Douhet (1869–1930) were among the futurist enthusiasts who thought small but professional and mobile armoured troops supported by aircraft would be sufficient to defeat larger but less-developed armies. The Second World War laid those ideas bare as somewhat naive. However, a number of wars during the Cold War and the post-Cold War period have restored faith in smaller but capable armies. The success of Israel in wars against numerically larger Arab coalitions has been a model for admiration. Arguably, the present strategic confidence of NATO is based on the successful Cold War deterrence, including nuclear deterrence, that prevented the possible attack by the larger force of the Warsaw Pact coalition in Europe.
The present military-strategic situation in the Eastern Baltic has been regarded as worrisome from NATO’s point of view. Somewhat similar to Western Berlin during the Cold War, the Baltic countries are difficult to defend. In the Baltic Region, Russia has a numerical superiority in conventional forces and this is difficult to compensate for with nuclear deterrence that was the lifeline for the Western alliance during the Cold War. What is the solution?
An enduring aspect of war is the need for the best leadership and command methods. Small nations have had victories in the past not least because of superior leadership, as in the Baltic wars of independence or the Finnish Winter War. This experience is clearly affecting command philosophies and trends in the Baltic region now. But, obviously, we need to ask ourselves, how to best learn from that history in peacetime in the 21st century?
Without assuming that one can draw examples from the past and apply them directly in the present, history does provide a lot of material for thinking about current issues outside the customary and the routine. On 22-23 September 2020, the Baltic Defence College, the Estonian War Museum – General Laidoner Museum and the Estonian Defence Academy will organise an international military history conference, “Small but Capable? Quality against Mass in Military History”. We look forward to receiving paper and panel proposals to discuss questions related to small state capability, in particular:
1) War and the small states: the ground for success and failures against a greater opponent,
2) Small wars and questions about filling the battlespace: how to act when there is no strategic depth? How do build up an operational concept for a small state?
3) Leadership and war: what are the best methods to achieve victory by leadership and command philosophy? What are the lessons that we can learn from historical examples?
4) How much can we affect leadership qualities by education?
Please send an abstract of up to 4,000 characters and a brief, one-page CV in English by 01 June 2020 to and The length of presentations will be 20 minutes. The working languages of the conference will be English and Estonian. There will be simultaneous interpretation. Articles based on presentations will be published in the Estonian Yearbook of Military History in 2021. The organizers will cover the travel and accommodation costs of speakers. The conference will be held on 22-23 September 2020 in Tartu. This conference is the 11th annual Conference on Baltic Military History of the Baltic Defence College, and also the successor to the 11th international military history conference of the Estonian War Museum – General Laidoner Museum held in 2019.
Information about Covid-19: The organizers are aware of the challenges ahead and will monitor the situation as it progresses. We hope to have passed the crisis by the time of our Conference. If any challenges occur the organizers will do their best to cope with them in an efficient and timely manner. Additional measures will be taken as per guidance of the host nation government and leading up to the conference the participants will be given an overview of the situation in Estonia (and Tartu). Contingency plan will be in place if the Conference has to be postponed or cancelled.
Best regards
Art Johanson
Lecturer in Military History and Strategic Planning, Baltic Defence College, 12 Riia St, Tartu, Estonia
Mobile: +372 5373 8484
COVID Response Conference, Canadian Defence and Security Network
Description: Canada is facing an event that few have experienced before. The crisis is testing governmental and societal capacity to respond. Our community of defence and security scholars may be able to help provide the government with some insights that might help facilitate more effective responses to the current, as well as any future, crises. We have solicited questions and scenarios from DND ADM Pol, and we will meet online on April 27th. The idea will be to have us meet together and form four groups to discuss the scenarios separately in breakout rooms—the technology allows that. We will then re-form and discuss the findings of the smaller groups. Andrea Charron led a red-team type event in 2016 during the defence review, which has inspired this idea.
This is being done as a CDSN initiative to enable Defence leaders to draw on our expertise and to allow CDSN scholars to develop a better understanding of the issues that these leaders are grappling with.
This is a closed CDSN initiative. Watch for the follow-on, or consider your own versions.
Job Opportunities in the Baltic Defence College
Please see an advertisement and job opportunity in the Baltic Defence College:
Manager in Academic and Outreach Activities
JOB TITLE: Manager in Academic and Outreach Activities
DEPARTMENT:Dean’s Office
LOCATION: Tartu, Estonia
SALARY: 30 000 – 42000 EURper annum (gross)
CONTRACT: Indefinite duration
Deadline for applications: 30 April 2020
Interviews anticipated: May 2020
Expected starting date: 3rd August 2020
Please inform persons who could be interested in it.
Call for papers, Strategic Assessment: Multidisciplinary Journal on National Security
The INSS journal Strategic Assessment: A Multidisciplinary Journal on National Security will soon assume a different shape and form, and the new editorial board invites authors to submit articles for issues to be published in the updated format, which will be launched in January 2020. Proposals for special themed issues are also welcome. Please see the link for details.
Kobi Michael and Omer Einav
Editors, Strategic Assessment
Conference On Russia, Tartu Estonia, 5-6 March 2020
See the conference poster, save the date.
Job Posting - International Relations, Tartu, Estonia
Lecturer in International Relations, Job Code DPS09, Department of Political and Strategic Studies, supervised by Director of Department ofPolitical and Strategic Studies, located in Tartu, Estonia. Salary is 2200-2850 month/gross. Contract is indefinite duration.
Deadline for application: 9 June 2019
Interviews Anticipated on 11-14 June 2019
Expected starting date: 1 August 2019
Baltic Defence College link for job posting. for job posting.
NATO 13th Operations Research and Analysis Conference, Ottawa, 7-8 October 2019
The 2019 theme is "Challenges for NATO OR&A in a Changing Global Security Environment". The conference will kick off with a number of keynote addresses and proceed through various streams. The Programme Committee welcomes papers that address the conference theme from different perspectives. Papers describing emerging techniques and approaches as well as case studies of analysis undertaken are equally welcome. Based on the submission of abstracts, the PC will group papers for the conduct of running parallel sessions.
For further details, please see this link.
New Journal of Peace and War Studies
The Inaugural Issue of the Journal of Peace and War Studies, from the Peace and War Centre of Norwich University (America's oldest private military academy) is now available online at This issue focuses on North Korea, and includes research by cadets as well as peer reviewed articles.
International Conference - Poland in NATO - Wroclaw, 24 May 2019
"Two decades of the political and military dimension of Poland's membership in the structures of the North Atlantic Alliance” organized by University of Wroclaw, Poland on 24 May 2019
Call for papers
Study release: NATO's Return to the North Atlantic
Stephen J. Flanagan, NATO's Return to the North Atlantic: Implications for the Defense of Northern Europe, , Briefing Paper 250 of the Finnish Institute of International Affairs.
Is NATO Ready? Collective Defence on NATO's Northern Flank, Oslo, 26 November
Is NATO ready if war comes to its Northern Flank? International experts gather in Oslo 26 November to discuss NATO’s ability to muster a swift and powerful response in the North.
Date: Monday 26 November 2018
Time: 12.00–15.00 (lunch and registration from 11.00)
Venue: Oslo Military Society (OMS), Myntgata 3, 0151 Oslo
Organiser: NDUC/Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies (IFS)
The seminar is open to all and free of charge. ID is required.
Sign up at this link
Senior Course on Security Policy in Europe, Stockholm 26 November to 6 December
The Swedish Defense University is turning to those who are specifically working with regional security and NATO, in order to secure a course participant for the senior course in security policy in Europe. Our aim is to secure a participant who has a good understanding of NATO, Partnership for Peace, and security policy in Europe and who would like to build upon this knowledge and broaden their perspective. The official deadline for the course has already passed but we would like to diversify the group of participants and therefore we have opened the admission process for selected individuals.
The course is free of charge and is an excellent opportunity for networking and professional development.
Senior Course on Security Policy in Europe (SPIE)– November 26 - December 6, 2018
This two-week course will strengthen the participants' knowledge of the development of security policy in Europe in the global threat environment, focusing on a range of security aspects that are of importance for the actors in the European region and its neighborhood. The course participants will receive an overview and a deeper understanding of the key policies, strategies and priorities in Europe. Please follow this link to register your application:
We would be most grateful if you share this invitation with individuals within your organization or network that might be interested in participating in this course.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contactme.
Best regards,
Stephanie Young
Course Coordinator
Centre for Societal Security, Swedish Defense University
Drottning Kristinas väg 37
S-115 93 Stockholm, Sweden
Check out our website!
Poland and the Brexit Negotiations Challenge to the EU and NATO 2018, Warsaw, 6 December 2018
The aim of the conference will be the exchange of knowledge and experience in the area of ensuring European and Euro-Atlantic security. In addition, the conference seeks an indication of the forecasted directions of change in Europe in the context of the UK decision to leave the European Union structures.
Details at this link:
NATO Science for Peace and Security Information Day, Warsaw, 22 November 2018
NATO SPS information day will be organized at Poland's War Studies University on 22 November.
For registration information, conference program, and administrative details, please see the link.
Deterrence and Assurance Conference, Omaha, Nebraska, 7-8 March 2019
Call for paper abstracts, 5 October 2018 to 7 December 2018. Conference and workshop will be held at the University of Nebraska, in Omaha, Nebraska. Please see the web site for further details:
Kathleen A. Cooper, DAFC, USSTRATCOM/J55, (402) 232-0766,
Special issue of Security and Defence Quarterly - Military Sciences and Future Security Challenges
The deadline for submissions has been extended to 31 October 2018. This special issue will be published online in conjunction with the tenth anniversary of ISMS.

RMC History Symposium 2018, Kingston, Canada 8-9 November
Manpower and the Armies of the British Empire in Two World Wars
Raising armies is more than counting people, putting them into uniform, and assigning them to formations. It was, and remains, an exceedingly complex business. It demands efficient measures and processes for recruitment and selection in voluntary military systems and equally efficient measures for registration and assignment in armies built on conscription. It demands training establishments capable of transforming factory workers and farmers into riflemen, in addition to providing them with officers, staffs, and commanders to lead them. It demands balance between the needs of the armed services, industry, and agriculture. And, often overlooked, it demands medical services to mend soldiers when wounded, and programs and pensions to look after them when demobilised. How did the British Empire and Commonwealth mobilize manpower for the armed services, agriculture, and industry during the two world wars? And how did they care for veterans, both able-bodied and disabled, when the fighting was over?
This year's symposium brings together a diverse group of distinguished historians, junior scholars and graduate students to undertake a multifaceted examination of army mobilization for Britain, India, and the dominions.
Register here
History Symposium Program
Conference, Chemical Weapons, Armed Conflict and IHL, Kingston Canada, 29 October 2018
The Canadian Red Cross together in association with CIDP will be hosting an International Humanitarian Law Conference titled “Chemical Weapons, Armed Conflict and International Humanitarian Law” in Robert Sutherland Hall at Queen’s University, 138 Union Street, Kingston, ON, K7L 2P1 on October 29th, 2018 from 1:00pm - 5:00pm. Registration and light lunch will be from 12:00pm-1:00pm. Join us as we uncover the role that International Humanitarian Law (IHL) plays when addressing the use of chemicals and chemical weapons in situations of armed conflict. This conference will bring together experts from the field, including academics, practitioners and representatives from the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement.
For more information and to register for this event:
For questions, please email:
This conference is eligible towards the Law Society of Upper Canada’s (LSUC) CPD requirements as Substantive Hours only. Please note that this program is not accredited for Professionalism Hours or the New Member Requirement. Please visit the LSUC’s CPD Eligible Educational Activities webpage for more information:
Call for papers - Human Factors in Medicine, deadline 28 September 2018
NATO Seminar on Evidence-based Leader Interventions in Health and Wellness, Berlin, Germany, 8-10 April 2019. Contact
Dr. Kelly Farley (Canada) –
Cdr Ass.-Prof Dr. Stefan Sammito (Host Lead: Germany) –
Call for papers - papers related to 2018 anniversaries, deadline 15 October 2018
Please see the advertisement about a conference organized by the University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic.

13th Annual Defence and Security Economics Workshop, Ottawa, 25-26 October 2018
Deadline for proposals, 31 August.
The 13th Annual Defence and Security Economics Workshop will be held Thursday 25 and Friday 26 October 2018, in the Senate Boardroom at Carleton University, in Ottawa, Canada. The organizers are accepting submissions until 31 August. If stadyou are interested in presenting, please submit an abstract to either Karl Skogstad ( or Ugurhan Berkok ( ). The Conference dinner will be held the evening of the 25th at the Brig Pub, Byward Market in Ottawa. Conference fee is $40 to offset the cost of the conference dinner and refreshments.
If you know of other researchers who may be interested, please pass this invitation along to them.
Karl Skogstad, Ugurhan Berkok, Dane Rowlands, Ben Solomon.
European Doctoral School on the CSDP
The European Doctoral School on the CSDP offers a specialized training programme supplementary to the courses organized by its network institution in their doctoral curricula. The programme is recognized according to the principles governing the European Higher Education Area and is implemented under the aegis of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC - European External Action Service).
Presentation and Fact-sheet. and Fact-sheet.
Call for Papers - Military and Police Relations, ERGOMAS, Lisbon June 2019
“Military and Police Cooperation in Operations” and
“Convergence and Differentiation in Security Organizations”
How does cooperation between, and differentiation of, military and police security organizations affect the pursuit of peace and security at home and abroad? See the call for papers
Editors are seeking studies of military and police cooperation within states, and of police and military institutional convergence in international comparative perspective. We hope to have two working panels and poster-sessions at the ERGOMAS Biennial Conference with the aim of proposing a special journal issue or book project.
Revised deadlines for ISMS 2018
ISMS 2018 is still accepting abstracts for the October conference in Warsaw. The call will remain open until 30 July, and authors can expect to be informed of acceptance not later than 30 August. See the Conference web page on this site.
15th Biennial ERGOMAS Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-22 June 2019
We are pleased to announce the 15th biennial ERGOMAS conference! The conference will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, 17-22 June 2019. The theme for this conference will be Military Studies in a Post-Truth Society: Challenges and Perspectives.
Further details can be found in the attached Spring newsletter from ERGOMAS.
New Publication: Readiness and Disaster Management
Authors: Romualds RAZUKS, Barbara SEPODES
Readiness of Latvian Health Care Institutions for Disaster Management (monograph)
Paperback: ISBN 978-9949-7259-0-8
Online (pdf): ISBN 978-9949-7259-1-5 (pdf)
Published by: Baltic Defence College
Printed by: Ecoprint AS, Vahi Kula, Estonia
Publication date: Tartu, May 2018
Language: English
Download as: PDF
Weekly newsletter on Russian military modernization
Welcome to the 3rd edition of the weekly War Vs Peace newsletter. War Vs Peace is a LLC dedicated to researching the details of Russian military modernization and its place within broader Russian strategy. You can subscribe to the newsletter from the link.
Gaming for Peace Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 10-11 January 2019
Conference Announcement and Call for Papers.
GAP is an EU H2020 funded project which is developing a curriculum of soft skills derived from interviews with experienced military, police and civilian peacekeeping personnel, and the state of the art in peacekeeping relevant soft skills and serious games. GAP is embedding a selection of peacekeeping relevant soft skills in a digital role-playing game with in-game assessment. The key soft skills are: gender awareness, cultural competency, communication, cooperation, decision-making and stress management. In-game assessment is reported in individual ‘skills passports’ for players, and the learning metrics have been standardized against international benchmarks. The GAP module (curriculum and game) provides an inexpensive, accessible to all, standardized training in soft skills for peacekeeping and is at the cutting edge of State of the Art in the domains of training for peacekeeping, curriculum development, soft skills, assessment, game design and soft skills standardization.
Abstract submission(400 words): by July 31st 2018 to []
Notification of accepted authors: September 1st, 2018.
September 30th: Full programme available.
November 30th: Close of registration.
Conference Announcement and Call for Papers for more details.
Polish Military University of the Land Forces seeks Experts for Summer 2018 (ERASMUS)
The Polish Military University of the Land Forces in Wroclaw will run an international summer semester in English, and seeks experts to teach modules in interoperability, cyber security, and comprehensive approach. Please contact:
Anna ZAMIAR-ZIÓŁKOWSKA ( ) Head of Career and Erasmus Programme Officer, General Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military University of Land Forces
The course cards can be found at the links below:
CM Cyber Security
CM Comprehensive Approach
CM Interoperability
Conference - How to Save the World, Toronto, 30-31 May
A discussion forum for the Science for Peace Conference. See web site. This will be of interest to some members of the military sciences community. Conceived as a public discussion to develop more comprehensive policy for planetary survival, the discussion will address six interrelated threats: global warming; war and weapons; pandemics; radiation exposure; famine; and cyber attacks. (See the description of six crises).
Call for Papers - Special Issue on Military Education, 4 July
A special issue of Security and Defence Quarterly containing papers related to Security Education will be published. The aim of the special issue is to show the multidimensional and multidirectional character of Security Education. Plans are for this issue to be available for participants in the ISMS conference at Warsaw in October 2018.
For details, see the special issue flyer onf the main page of Security and Defence Quarterly.
Newsletter on Russian Defence, Deployments, and Diplomacy
Starting 15 May, Nicholas Myers of War vs Peace Foundation, LLC, will be putting out a weekly newsletter on major Russian exercise trends, force deployments, and diplomatic campaigns (covering both "war" and "peace") in the open-source press.
This service will be free, it can be cancelled at any time, and you can contact Nicholas to confirm any sources in which you may be interested.
Nicholas J. Myers
War Vs Peace Foundation LLC
Russian and Belarusian Military Analyst
Job opening: Lecturer in Strategic Studies, Tartu, apply before 10 June
See the job description at this link: Lecturer in “Strategic Studies”
JOB TITLE: Lecturer in Strategic Studies
DEPARTMENT: Department of Political and Strategic Studies
SUPERVISOR: Director of Department of Political and Strategic Studies
LOCATION: Tartu, Estonia
SALARY: €30,000-€33,000 per annum (gross)
CONTRACT: Indefinite duration
Deadline for applications: 10th June 2018, end of business
Interviews anticipated on: 11th June to 17th June 2018
Expected starting date: 30th July 2018
Baltic Military History Conference 2018, 13-14 September in Tartu Estonia
“1918-2018 Hundred years of armed forces development” Call for papers.
Proposals due by 30 June 2018 to Art Johanson
2018 marks the centenary for a number of states in Eastern Europe and Caucasus. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, also Armenia, Azerbaijan, Czech Republic, Georgia and Hungary are celebrating their hundredth anniversary. For these countries, emerging from the ruins of Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires and the turbulent experiences of WWI, gaining and sustaining independence was closely linked with the development of their own armed forces.
The 9th Annual Baltic Defence College Military History Conference will address the development of these armed forces and their different fates in the following 100 years, trying to grasp the lessons learned through reflection on the processes within and related to armed forces. Special attention will be given to the role of military education in the developmental process of the armed forces. The latter topic will serve as a conduit for the 2019 conference that will look back on our own 20th anniversary.
We are glad to announce that the call for papers for the Conference is now open.
We are looking for submissions on the following subjects:
- What can we learn from history: Development and reflection of armed forces and defence planning in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia 1918-1940
- What has changed in the last 100 years? What are the predictions for the future?
- Development from Cold War: Swedish and Finnish armed forces. NATO in Northern-Europe (Norway and Denmark) and other nations.
Paper proposals can be submitted by 30 June 2018 via e-mail to Art Johanson at Please provide a short CV, a paper title, and an abstract of 500 words. The length of presentations is 15 - 20 minutes. The working language of the conference is English. Participants and presenters are expected to cover their own travel costs and housing during the conference.
For further information and registration forms for participants, please visit
New web site hub for veterans and families research
Veterans and Families Research Hub is a newly launched website designed to capture the research that exists around the topics of Military Veterans and their Families.
Web site
Video explanation
IUS Canada Conference, Ottawa, 19-21 October 2018
Online registration is now available for IUS Canada 2018. The conference registration page is linked here.
15th Biennial ERGOMAS Conference, Lisbon, 17-22 June 2019
Military Studies in a post-truth society: Challenges and Perspectives. The conference will be a privileged platform, and promote military studies in Portugal. A local organizing committee has been formed including colleagues from universities, military academies, and the MOD. The conference announcement is attached here.
New European Commission Guidance on Data Sharing
The European Commission has advanced towards an Open Science system in which knowledge circulates freely, as soon as it is available, through digital and collaborative technology. See details and links to report at European Commission News, 24 April 2018.
Conference on Modern Military Professionalism, Stockholm, 12-13 June 2018
The Swedish Centre for Studies of Armed Forces and Society invites you to the conference on Modern Military Professionalism, to be held in Stockholm 12-13 June 2018 at the Royal Institute of Technology. The conference will be conducted in Swedish and English. Please see the conference web site for further details and the full conference program.
10th Slovenian Social Science Conference, 20-22 September 2018
"The Social Transformations We Live In: Between Cohesion and Fragmentation," coorganized by the ISA Junior Sociologists Network, Nova Gorica, Slovenia, 20-22 September 2018. Abstracts 30 May 2018.
Call for papers
Global Asia in Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Singapore, 16-17 November 2018
"Global Asia in Interdisciplinary Perspectives: Sustainability, Security, and Governance. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, conference is 16-17 November 2018; abstracts are due by 31 May 2018.
Call for papers
Fellowship - Demographic and Sociological Analysis
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowships, University Pompeu Fabra, Spain. Applications due 15 May 2018.
PhD Scholarships in Sociology, Social Research, Economics, and Management
University of Trento, Italy. Applications due 22 May 2018. Application link. Note that the application link includes PhD scholarship applications in various fields of sociology, social research, economics, management, development economics.
Post-doctoral fellowship on Sociology and Demography
Pompeu Fabra University, Spain, applications due 1 June 2018. Link to application.
Platform to study mission integrity in military missions, response by 30 June 2018
Thanks to Irina Goldenberg of ERGOMAS for forwarding this announcement which will be of interest to participants in several working groups. Please find attached a Call for Papers on Mission Integrity in Military Missions, launched by The Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defence Academies and Security Research Institutes (PfP C) Security Sector Reform Working Group (SSR WG).
The deadline for contribution is 30 June, 2018. Please send all questions and correspondence to Mr Richard Steyne at .
Call for papers and expressions of interest.
International Applied Military Psychology Symposium, Bucharest 7-11 May
Attached is the call for papers and registration for the 2018 IAMPS. Further information is available at
Registration and call for papers.
Metropolis North America Migration Policy Forum
Migration and border management are inter-agency challenges, from which regions might learn from each other about coordination and other policy issues affecting national security. Attached is the call for papers for the second annual Metropolis North America Migration Policy Forum:
Mexico City, 27-28 September 2018 Call for proposals
Your proposal should be emailed to Sarah Kooi by June 29th, 2018.
Conference on the Centenary of the Armistice of Mudros, Lemnos, Greece, 25-28 May 2018
On the occasion of the completion of the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I and in particular from the signing of the Treaty of Moudros, in 2018 there will be a celebratory conference on the island of Lemnos, Greece, 25-28 May 2018. For the full program, please see the web site.
Lemnos Events, Centenary of the Armistice of Mudros
CIMVHR Abstracts due by Monday, 16 April for Forum, 15-17 October (Regina, SK)
The Canadian Institute for Military and Veterans Health Research (CIMVHR) Forum 2018 call for abstracts closes Monday! Abstract submissions are due by April 16, 2018 at noon ET.
9th Annual Military and Veteran Health Research Forum co-hosted by the University of Regina, in Regina, Saskatchewan, 15-17 October, 2018.
Early registration rates are available until July 16th.
More details at this link
IUS Canada Conference, Ottawa, 19-21 October 2018 (deadline, 30 June)
The IUS Canada Conference which will take place in Ottawa, Ontario 19-21 October 2018. Proposals (250 word abstracts, complete contact information for presenting authors) must be received no later than June 30, 2018. See the link below for additional information.
Call for papers, IUS Canada (Due 30 June 2018)
Security and Defence Quarterly Special issue - ISMS 2018
The journal of the War Studies University, Security ad Defence Quarterly, is preparing a special issue to be distributed to participants in the tenth anniversary conference in Warsaw, 17 October 2018. Submissions for this issue will be accepted up until 4 June 2018. The call for papers is attached here.
Call for papers
Call for papers - War and Semiotics, Bodo, Norway 9-10 Nov 2018
The aim of a two day conference at Nord Universitet, Norway is to discuss the interrelationship between war, semiotics, and semantics in a broader perspective - global and comparative approaches are as welcome as proposals dealing with any period in history.
Call for Papers
Interested scholars and PhD students should send a short proposal (max. 300 words) and a one page CV before 30 April 2018.
Prof. Dr. Frank Jacob, Prof. Dr. Steinar Aas, and Prof. Dr. Kjetil Ansgar Jakobsen; and
Book of interest: The Nature of Peace and the Morality of Armed Conflict
This book examines the connection between the origins of sociology with today's modern military and the challenges they face. The book intends to provide views and insights that will help the military to innovate their organizations and practices. Order review copies from Springer. 14 pages of front matter including table of contents can be downloaded here.
Book of interest: Sociology and Military Studies: Classical and Current Foundations by Joseph Soeters
"This book examines the connection between the origins of sociology with today's modern military and the challenges they face. The book intends to provide views and insights that will help the military to innovate their organizations and practices." Discount with flyer
15th ERGOMAS Conference in Lisbon, June 2019
Several of the ISMS working groups have existing or potential links to the more traditional scholarly organization of ERGOMAS. Rene Moelker is Chair of both the ISMS and ERGOMAS working groups on Armed Forces and Society. Several presenters from the Military Education Working Group have been engaged with ERGOMAS working group 5, the military profession, and David Last co-chairs the ERGOMAS working group on military and police relations with Marina Caparini of SIPRI. This is a good opportunity to link your work in ISMS to a wider community of scholarship in Europe. Check out the ERGOMAS web site, and see if the working groups interest you. You will find the contact for each working group on the site.
Baltic Defence College announces job opportunities
Baltic Defence College announces two job opportunities:
1. Lecturer in “Joint Air Operations”
2. Lecturer in “Management and Organisational Studies”
Please see details at link
Baltic Security Net Assessment second edition
Online version of the Baltic Security Net Assessment second edition.
Thank you for the interest in the publication. As you know it is already on the Website and could be downloaded as PDF
Military Logistics Conference, Warsaw, 6-8 June
On behalf of the Military University of Technology in Warsaw,, I am pleased to invite you to our "X Scientific Conference of Applied Logistics" that will be held on 6-8 June, 2018.
We would be delighted to have you present at this conference. We will be very grateful if you wish to share with other participants and our academics your experience and knowledge in logistic and security studies.
To download the brochure, click the link
Polish Military University of the Land Forces seeks Experts for Summer 2018 (ERASMUS)
The Polish Military University of the Land Forces in Wroclaw will run an international summer semester in English, and seeks experts to teach modules in interoperability, cyber security, and comprehensive approach. Please contact:
Head of Career and Erasmus Programme Offcie
General Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military University of Land Forces
The course cards can be found at the links below:
CM Cyber Security
CM Comprehensive Approach
CM Interoperability
4th Eastern Platform - Tartu Seminar, 6-7 April 2018
“All Quiet on the Western Front? EU-Russia Relations in the Age of Populisms?”
April 6-7, 2018. The two-day seminar is organized by the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies of the University of Tartu draws on the experience of the Eastern Platform-Platform Ukraine, a multidisciplinary project based at the School of Slavonic and Eastern European Studies (SSEES), University College London. The event is generously supported by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
For further details see the link here.